Life In Geordieland

Rachel's Guide to Newcastle and Beyond!

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I’m Planning a Summer Swish!

May 4, 2015 in Festivals and Events 0

Most women I know have at least half a dozen items hanging in their wardrobes just crying out to be worn again. Whether it’s things you’ve got bored of, are hoping to fit in to, or dare I say it… seemed like a bargain but have never been worn (I’m so guilty of that!)

So it got me thinking… wouldn’t it be great if I organised a fashion swish party for all the lovely North East bloggers? Despite never organising a blogger event before I decided to go for it and with a little help from Intu Metrocentre I now have a venue and a date (13th June). I also have lots of ideas up my sleeve to help make it a fun afternoon for everyone that attends.

There’s a few more details on the poster below but if you are interested in coming please RSVP as you’ll need to be added to the guest list.

If you’re not quite sure what swishing involves, there’s a helpful guide HERE.

Have fun clearing out your wardrobes 🙂

swish poster

By Rachel Kershaw
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