Life In Geordieland

Rachel's Guide to Newcastle and Beyond!

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Breakfast at Blakes with Blake Solly

February 13, 2015 in Sport 3

I’ve been hearing a lot recently about the Magic Weekend that’s coming to Newcastle in May. I have to admit, at first I did think it might be something to do with magicians, illusionists and the like but my rugby loving friends soon put me right! I should have known better really, after all, I am originally from Rochdale, a town with a huge rugby league following.

So when I found out that the general manager of rugby league Blake Solly was in the Toon, I whisked him off for breakfast at Blakes on Grey Street for a good old chin wag to find out more…

Sounds like the Magic Weekend is going to be a blast and it’s all happening right here in Geordieland, 30th & 31st of May. To find out more and get tickets just head on over to this website:


Oh, and in case you were wondering, I had porridge with honey and raisins and Blake had a bacon and egg stottie (good man!)

By Rachel Kershaw

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North East Family Fun
10 years ago

Ah you are a natural on the camera Rachel and WAY braver than me! Well done for taking the plunge! Fab interview x

10 years ago

I must admit, I’m not too much of a fan of rugby. Its a sport I don’t know a lot about but would like to know more about! This looks like a lovely breakfast spot too, I’ll have to try it out sometime 🙂 xxx


[…] Breakfast at Blakes with Blake Solly by Rachel Kershaw […]

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